Groove Jones

XR Avatar Station for AT&T’s Game Fan Engagement At DreamHack


AT&T Scene Machine

A new twist on fan engagement. Attention all gamersAT&T and Wasserman hired Groove Jones to bring the XR Avatar station to Atlanta for the super-famous DreamHack gathering. DreamHack is a giant conference focused on gaming. The scanner was the main attraction for AT&T’s 5G fan engagement.

The Guinness Book of Records recognizes DreamHack as the world’s largest LAN party. An estimated 27,000 people attended this year’s event.

Volumetric Camera

AT&T provided 5G connectivity and a live stream broadcast to fans worldwide so they could experience the event like never before.

event marketing

City Bots Theme Video

Planet Crusher Theme Video

Step In and Get Scanned – No Touch Fan Engagement
3d scanner

Groove Jones was there with our XR Avatar Station, a volumetric camera system branded as the AT&T Scene Machine. Gamer fans had the chance to step inside, be volumetrically scanned, and then have themselves integrated into a one-of-a-kind video game-themed video that they could keep or share on their favorite social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat.

fan engagement

For this specific event, we created two movie scenes based on game themes: DreamHack City and DreamHack Power-up. Both of these 360º environment video themes were a huge hit with gamers who wanted a unique video to share and show off.

Scene Machine

AT&T Scene Machine

Hundreds of fans were able to receive this free social shareable video.

The user experience is simple. Gamers lined up and registered with a brand ambassador.

user registration

At this time, they selected from the two themes available.

customer acquisition

After opting into an AT&T mailing list, they stepped inside the scanner, and their volumetric data was collected. Shortly after being scanned, they received an email with a link to download their custom video, thanks to AT&T.

fan scan

Fans of all makes and genres joined in on the fun!


For more information about the XR Scanner and how you can license it for your events, visit –

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